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Architectural Review Board Minutes 08/09/2010
Regular Meeting
Monday, August 9, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street


The Secretary, Arcangela Claffey, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.


Attendant Members  
Kingmon Snow, Jr., Regular Member
Arcangela Claffey, Secretary
David Wight, Regular Member

Absent Members
Guy Pendleton, Chairman
Jonathan Gibbs, Vice Chairman



“Cohen’s Bagel Company” Front Wall Sign
        162 Main Street (Map 37/Lot 128) Central Business B-1 District
        Applicant: Robert Cohen
        ACTION: Review and report to Zoning Commission

        Seeking approval to replace previous tenant’s sign with a 15.75 square foot front wall sign.

MOTION to approve sign as submitted. MOVED by A. Claffey; SECONDED by K. Snow; IN FAVOR: K. Snow; A. Claffey; D. Wight OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED:  None; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

B.        “Paladino & Welsh” Front Wall Sign
            33 Main Street, Unit P (Map 34/Lot 48) Central Business B-1 District
          Applicant: Tim Welsh
          ACTION: Review and report to Zoning Commission

        Seeking approval of a 12’ by 30’ front wall sign.

MOTION to approve sign as submitted. MOVED by K. Snow; SECONDED by D. Wight; IN FAVOR: D. Wight; K. Snow; A. Claffey; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED:  None; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

C.      “Stop & Shop” Front Wall Sign
        105 Elm Street (Map 36/Lot 103) Shopping Center B-2 District
        Applicant: D. Agnoli

        Seeking approval to reface existing front wall signage with new Stop & Shop corporate logo. Signs include a Stop & Shop logo measuring 41 square feet with illuminated channel letters, a pharmacy sign measuring 17.53 square feet with illuminated channel letters, a People’s United Bank sign measuring 18.7 square feet with illuminated channel letters, and two sets of Welcome acrylic letters, each measuring 26.28 square feet.  

MOTION to approve signs as submitted. MOVED by K. Snow; SECONDED by D. Wight; IN FAVOR: D. Wight; K. Snow; A. Claffey; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED:  None ; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

        ACTION: Review and report to Zoning Commission

D.      “Over the Top, LLC” Front Wall Sign
        174 Main Street (Map 37/Lot 128) Central Business B-1 District
        Applicant: H. Leyhausen
        ACTION: Review and report to Zoning Commission

Seeking approval of a front wall sign measuring 13.08 square feet and placed beneath existing illumination and a projecting entrance sign measuring 1.8 square feet.

MOTION to approve signs as submitted subject to verification of light wattage. MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by K. Snow; IN FAVOR: D. Wight; K. Snow; A. Claffey; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED:  None; APPROVED: 3-0-0.


A.      Meeting Minutes

MOTION to approve the minutes of July 12, 2010. MOVEDby K. Snow; SECONDED by D. Wight; IN FAVOR: D. Wight; K. Snow; A. Claffey; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

B.      Correspondence


  • Committee, Representative & Staff Reports


  • Design Excellence Awards
A. Claffey reported that the Economic Development board is open to  including the Design Excellence Award ceremony with one of its fall events. She is waiting to receive more  information to coordinate dates.  

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, September 13, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street. MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by: K. Snow; IN FAVOR: A. Claffey; K. Snow; D. Wight; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela St. Clair
ARB Clerk